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Europe Galaxy User Group Meeting

Event Overview

11-12 June, 2025
The Ironbridge Gorge

Join us for an unforgettable European User Group Meeting set against the breathtaking and historic backdrop of Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire—a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

This year’s event will be held in a stunning venue surrounded by rich history, picturesque landscapes, and a packed agenda focused on Gateway’s latest innovations, best practices, and industry insights tailored to our European users.


10 June | 19:00 Drinks Reception | The Furnace Kitchen

11 June | 9:00 – 17:00 Conference Day 1 | The Ironbridge

11 June | 19:00 Evening Meal | The New Inn Pub

12 June | 9:00-16:00 Conference Day 2 | The Ironbridge

Stay tuned for more information.


Stay tuned for more information.

Hotel Details

Stay tuned for more information.


The 2025 Europe Galaxy User Group Meeting is proudly supported by the following industry sponsors:

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor